Not only has the IBR failed to provided full disclosure about its “Bridge Replacement” designs, in briefings to our elected officials the IBR team headed by Greg Johnson calls the tunnel option a “Myth,” which is refuted by the IBR’s own Tunnel Concept Assessment Rev 2!
Immersed tunnels are widely used throughout the world. A trench is first dug in the riverbed, then prefabricated tunnel segments are lowered into position and connected to adjacent segments. The tunnel is then backfilled & covered with riverbed to a specified depth. An ITT can accommodate multiple lanes of traffic, light rail, bus lanes, and bike & pedestrian paths.
Our I-5 Bridge is subject to a major Cascadia Seduction Zone earthquake, and is located in a “Soil Liquefaction Area.”
Scientists predict there is a 37% chance that a mega-thrust earthquake in this fault zone will occur in the next 50 years.
An Immersed Tunnel is far more resilient to earthquakes than a bridge, and will accommodate everything a bridge can, including light rail!
If an immersed tunnel concept was selected for a similar application in Vancouver BC, why not here?
A WSDOT Video on the advantages of a tunnel instead of a bridge in an earthquake: